Solaris announcing partnership with FLOGmall!
Dear Solaris community,
We are extremely pleased to unveil our brand new partnership with FLOGmall. FLOGmall is an e-commerce site created for users who sell and buy various products and services using cryptocurrency.
We are glad that FLOGmall picked Solaris as one of the first alternative cryptocurrency partners and we are looking forward to working closely with the FLOGmall team in expanding the use cases and adoption of Solaris and cryptocurrencies in general!
About FLOGmall:
Meet FLOGmall-the world’s first e-commerce platform that can unite sellers and buyers for any cryptocurrency.
What does FLOGmall have, which other trading floors do not have? The idea with the ready product, successfully finished pre-ICO (amounting to $ 2,696,883) and a large open team, in whose ranks — experts in different areas and a large number of consultants, including foreign ones.
FLOGmall solves the problem of the use of the cryptocurrency once and for all. Intolerant exchangers, high commissions and uncertain legal status? Forget it!
This is a project with a well thought out economy of the token. Finally, the ICO participants began to think that the token should at least somehow be used, and not just invested. For proprietary MLC on the site, goods and services are purchased, but the conversion will be carried out on its own service ATES. And it will happen automatically.
FLOGmall will be running an ICO, where you will be able to become a part of a long history with the help of a quick registration on April 26. FLOGmall has already won thousands of hearts. Sales for the cryptocurrency are in full swing, even major foreign publications like and newsbtc talk about the project. The fact that the project is intended to permanently destroy the established stereotypes of the crypto industry is a fact.
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About Solaris:
Security. Privacy. Liberty. Solaris is a decentralized open source cryptocurrency focused on privacy, innovation and the advancement of technology.
Solaris has many unique features which distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies, some of which include a decentralized governance system which employs masternodes and an ‘instant send’ feature allowing transactions to be confirmed instantaneously and completely anonymous transactions using the Zerocoin Protocol.
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