We are officially PoS!
Dear Solaris community,
We made it! It certainly wasn’t easy, but break-ups never are. We are sad to see the miners go, but welcome stakers with open arms. This is a new phase for Solaris and the core team would like to thank every single supporter, as without you we would not be here.
Solaris is only starting to truly come alive and find its own skin in this exciting industry. The tiny bumps we experience today will pale in comparison to success of tomorrow. We are excited to share with you all that we have been steadily growing the Core Team, filling essential positions like marketing and business outreach, and in the coming months we hope to show you the fruits of all the work that everyone in the team has put in.
Zerocoin Protocol is now Live!
Yes, it is here! We have successfully implemented Zerocoin Protocol into Solaris and it is fully operational. At this moment we want to urge only experienced users to use Zerocoin, as we will be releasing tutorials and videos on how Zerocoin works, soon!
Reward System Change
Seesaw mechanism has been identified as one of the primary causes for multiple wallets forking to a wrong chain during the change to Proof of Stake. After investigating this issue further, and learning that Pivx themselves are removing SeeSaw algorithm in their next update for multiple reasons, core team has made a decision to remove Seesaw mechanism from Solaris also.
After careful deliberation, examining the masternode trend until the PoS switch and taking community feedback on-board, the team has agreed to set forth 20%/80% reward split between stakers and masternodes respectively. We believe this is a fair reward split, as Solaris network is mature enough to support Masternodes while rewarding smaller stakers with more frequent rewards.
New block reward split is:
20% Stakers / 80% Masternodes
If Budget Proposal is Active:
15% Stakers / 75% Masternodes / 10% budget system
Reward per Block Breakdown:
PoS Phase 1 — Blocks 259201–302399–1 XLR
PoS Phase 2 — Blocks 302400–345599–0.95 XLR
PoS Phase 3 — Blocks 345600–388799–0.90 XLR
PoS Phase 4 — Blocks 388800–431999–0.85 XLR
PoS Phase 5 — Blocks 432000–475199–0.80 XLR
PoS Phase 6 — Blocks 475200–518399–0.75 XLR
PoS Phase 7 — Blocks 518400–561599–0.70 XLR
PoS Phase 8 — Blocks 561600–604799–0.75 XLR
PoS Phase 9 — Blocks 604800–647999–0.70 XLR
PoS Phase x — Blocks 648000-Infinite — 0.25 XLR
Going Forward
As mentioned in the opening paragraphs, we has been steadily working behind the scenes on expanding the team and various initiatives to bring Solaris into the limelight. While we can’t share any specific details at this moment, you will certainly not be disappointed with what is coming in the future.
In the short term, we are going to update our website to reflect the changes to PoW as well as make some general changes to the layout and content. With the help of our community admins, we will be building a wiki/self help area, with all the Frequently Asked Questions as well as other information on Solaris.
Update On Services
Quick update regarding Android Wallet and Web Wallet. Due to the change of protocol for the emergency update, and Android Solaris Core (SolarisJ) has become incompatible. We are working together with the contractors to re-write it and bring back the Android wallet to the Google Play store as soon as possible. We deeply apologize about the extended downtime. ETA — Thursday/Friday at the latest.
Web Wallet email server is still giving us issues by blocking the emails. We are working to resolve this as well, but don’t have a current ETA.